
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bithday Queen 1991: A lookback

I looked through a lot of old pictures when I was working on the doppelganger post. Among the gems, I found this one.

Yep that is me on my 5th b-day, queen of the little green apple preschool in my daisy kingdom dress (made by my mother) and wearing my 5 crown. Honestly, I don't remember that birthday, but I hope that I got to stand on that box barking commands all day like a real queen (or at least what I am sure I thought a real queen would do). However, I suspect the pedestal was just for the photo (disappointing, I know).

Today is my 24th birthday. That picture was taken 19 years ago. Let's take a look back at the highlights from the last year.
  • December 2009: I left for Korea 2 days after my 23rd b-day to spend the holidays with Peter.
  • February 2010: The Olympics in Vancouver B.C., twice :)
  • March 2010: I flew back to Korea to spend spring break with Peter.
  • April 2010: Tulip festival in Mt. Vernon
  • December: I finished my fifth quarter of grad school and spent the following week and a half pretending I don't even know what a speech-language pathologist does.
You may have noticed most the main events co-starred a certain someone. He is my favorite. But the year had quite a few of my other favorites in it. I am blessed by all the great people in my life.
I could work on this post all day trying to get them all in, but I want to get out and enjoy my birthday. On the agenda for today: bowling, dinner and cake/ice cream with friends and family.

Birthday Queen 2010


  1. I remember that box you are standing on in the preschool, I forget what we really used it for. Maybe I remember it b/c I was always so short. Happy Birthday Kristi, good luck with the remainder of Grad School.

  2. kristi-- i think this post somewhat negates all the 'life sucks' feelings that we have both had last year, haha!!

    hey, at least we can start 2011 now...think of all the exciting things!!

    p.s. yay! i made the photos of the year post!! haha.
