Yep that is me on my 5th b-day, queen of the little green apple preschool in my daisy kingdom dress (made by my mother) and wearing my 5 crown. Honestly, I don't remember that birthday, but I hope that I got to stand on that box barking commands all day like a real queen (or at least what I am sure I thought a real queen would do). However, I suspect the pedestal was just for the photo (disappointing, I know).
Today is my 24th birthday. That picture was taken 19 years ago. Let's take a look back at the highlights from the last year.
- December 2009: I left for Korea 2 days after my 23rd b-day to spend the holidays with Peter.
- February 2010: The Olympics in Vancouver B.C., twice :)
- March 2010: I flew back to Korea to spend spring break with Peter.
- April 2010: Tulip festival in Mt. Vernon
- July 2010: Nicole's Party
- August-September 2010: Peter and I went to Hawaii and visited friends/family in Oregon, Washington and Canada while Peter was on month-long leave.
- October 2010: Peter and I celebrate our first wedding anniversary
- December: I finished my fifth quarter of grad school and spent the following week and a half pretending I don't even know what a speech-language pathologist does.
I could work on this post all day trying to get them all in, but I want to get out and enjoy my birthday. On the agenda for today: bowling, dinner and cake/ice cream with friends and family.
Birthday Queen 2010