
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Things you missed...

Hello friends,

Once again, things are happening faster than I am. To catch you up, in the last three weeks I..
  • Finished my last academic term of grad school 
  • Turned the apartment keys over to Girl #2 and her boyfriend 
  • Bummed around in Germany for a week
  • Came home to a new-and-improved beigified downstairs living space (god bless you cousin/roommate Ali)
  • Had my first job interview (nailed it)
  • Scheduled my second job interview
  • Started my internship
Jet-lag got me up at 4:45am this morning and jet-lag has been getting me down since about 2pm, so I am going to keep this brief.
Here is a spattering of pictures from my trip to Germany (and a tiny bit of Amsterdam.)

Monika-one of my lovely hosts
Hartwig-my other lovely host

Bonnie-My fearless travel companion

The Witte Haus
Sleeping quarters
Church in Osnabruk
Steffen-my favorite german/long lost friend
House in Osnabruk
Recognize this guy?
Schloss Buckeburg

Bonnie and her entourage

My cousin Kirsten and her adorable son Dylan
Kirsten in front of her house in Amstelveen

Stay tuned, tomorrow I am planning on posting blow-your-mind before-and-after pictures of the downstairs of my new place. Don't even pretend you don't want to see them, after two days this post was launched to my third most popular slot . Busted, either you guys really like home decorating, or you are stalking me and want to use the exterior shot to triangulate my position (I got a little creeped out writing that.)

Okay, this jet-lagged young lady is calling it a day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mi Casa

Moving day=success.

On Saturday 98% of my possessions made the 275 mile trek from Bham to Hillsboro without incident, largely due to my parents and my lovely friends (thank you!!).  I am convinced that I know the nicest  people on the planet. Moving day started at 6 am and by 9pm my whole house was unpacked and ready to live in.

Here are some pictures of my new digs. 

Okay, that was your abbreviated tour. I will post more when we have finished furnishing and painting the house.

Also, I feel like you should know that the paint is a lot more abrasive-looking in person.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Yesterday I saw my last client in the clinic. Ever. 
I also went to my last class at WWU. Ever.

Damn it feels good to be a gangster 
[Sings as she imagines smashing a printer Office Space-style]