Five-ish years ago, I entered myself into the University of Oregon's human subject's pool as a requirement for my intro psych classes. Throughout the next two years I participated in a number of studies. I only really remember three of them. One I won ten dollars during (some game theory experiment,) another I got hooked up to machines and yelled at while performing math problems (physiological stress experiment) and lastly, one in which I got forty dollars to get my brain scanned while they intermittently fed me chocolate. The last experiment resulted in me having a digital fMRI scan of my brain which I can slice, rotate and manipulate using a program called Space.
So, if you cut my head like this,

you would see this.

That's right people, that is my brain. I thought I would show you the unadulterated version first, but here is the same thing with some key landmarks labeled.

Note, the extra space (for knowledge) created by a bump in my skull. Not really sure what the skeletal abnormality is about.
Pretty cool huh?
Cool :-)