It is a rough sketch (hyperbole and a half-style,) but I think you get the idea.
If you guessed that my neighbor's nasty, roll-your-own cigarette smoke is wafting into my apartment via my bathroom window and stinking it up with carcinogenic fumes about four times a day, you were right.
Here's the thing. I signed a contract stating that I would not smoke in, or within 30 feet of my apartment building (with threat of a fine.) I am going to go ahead and assume he (the offending neighbor) signed a similar one. Seeing how my balcony extends 4-ish feet from my building (and it was stated explicitly in the contract) that area is off-limits for smoking I am going to venture that his is off-limits as well. So, unless he wants to build a 26-foot extension from his balcony, I have a right to complain about his nicotine addiction.
This has been going on for about 2 months. I would have done something a long time ago, but last term I was gone all day, everyday. That meant that the only one of his fixes I smelled was his late-night smoke. At which point I was already in bed, in my pj's. I don't typically shy away from confrontation with strangers, but I prefer to have these encounters fully dressed.
I figure I have a few options here. I can call my management people and have them fine him (pissing off a neighbor, but saving me an awkward conversation,) or I can warn him myself. Tonight, I am too tired for either.
So, I am going to go to bed and worry about it tomorrow. I think my current strategy can be summed up as "ignore it until it goes away." It hasn't worked very well so far, but I remain hopeful.
PS. Yesterday I made these muffins. They were incredible.
PPS. My building has more than three units in it. I wanted to focus on the relevant factors (I threw the third apartment in for symmetry.)