I first met Andrea about 5 years ago in the PDX airport with my friend Kate. We were leaving for a term of studying abroad in Siena, Italy. We were all that incredible mixture of nervous/excited that you get when you know your life is about to change. I recognized Andrea right away from the facebook group of fellow AHA-ers that had formed up before we left and we struck up a brief conversation and parted ways when to take our assigned seats on the plane.
We joke about it now, but I seriously thought she had some kind of drug use problem because she passed out a half hour after we took off and every time I walked by on one of my restless plane walks during the 10 hour flight she would still be sleeping. Honestly, at one point I considered checking for breathing.
Fate would have it that Andrea went on to be one of my flatmates for the term and one of my dearest friends. Longtime MABE readers may recognize her from my old post on why you shouldn't take meat from strangers. If you haven't read it yet, you should.
I digress.
Believe it or not this post isn't about me and Andrea, it's about Ryan and Andrea. January 14th was their big day and it was beautiful and emotional and so much fun.
I took a few pictures while I was helping out. As always, here are my favorites.