
Monday, February 20, 2012

Missed Connections Monday

 Two PM on Hawthorne - m4w - 27 (The Whole Bowl)

I was drawing and writing in the corner, wearing grey/black jacket and pants, an olive brown sweatshirt, an earthy blue shirt under that, and black beanie. When I sat down to eat I saw you in line. I can't remember a time I was so enchanted by someone, so elegant, such thoughtful eyes, I was taken back. We shared a few glances. I wrote my number down but the awkward silence of that place made me hesitate, then you were gone. If we never cross paths again I wish you only the best, but I hope we find each other in the future.

I love the part where he describes his shirt as "earthy blue"

Happy Monday everyone!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Missed Connections Monday

Today, in an effort to blog more frequently, reflect more on the interconnectedness of it all, savor the glorious awkwardness that is interacting with strangers, and pay homage to the book I loved so-very-much, I introduce to you the newest feature of MABE....

Missed Connections Monday

Yes, this means I will dedicate part of the week to highlighting my favorite posting in the Missed Connections section of the Portland Craigslist page (at least for the month of February).

I hope you enjoy this as much as I know I will.

Awkward Exchange at the 15 stop
-m4w-30 (nw)

Somehow in that 10 seconds or so I got all the information needed to determine that you are a really awesome person and cute as hell. Not trying to meet or anything, just a little hungover and thinking on the off chance you'll read this and be like "that's me!!" you'll laugh a little, which makes me laugh a little, too. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Missed Connections: Love, Lost and Found

Last Saturday, the sun was shining for what felt like the first time ever so I shirked all my paperwork, walked to the library, picked up some holds, rolled my pant legs up to my thighs (sorry for unleashing my white/hairy legs on you neighbors) and parked it on a bench for an hour. While I was sitting on the bench I opened up one of my recent library acquisitions, Missed Connections: Love, Lost and Found by Sophie Blackall.

The book is made up of a collection of art inspired by the Missed Connections section of the NYC Craigslist. I first heard about the project on NPR (always a good sign) and it is amazing.

The author (well really compiler/illustrator) introduces her work like this:

"Most of us have experienced a Missed Connection. Untold people a day kick themselves for not being bolder, braver, more spontaneous. Right this second two guys in suits are eying each other as they step around the garbage on Market Street in San Francisco. A delivery man in Hell's Kitchen, New York, is wishing he had paused to hold the door for a dark-skinned woman with a pink scarf. In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a man and a woman pull up at crossroads. They are inexplicably drawn to each other. They stare through their windshields, and imagine rolling down the window to say hello. They imagine going to a diner up the road for coffee, imagine their first kiss, whether the other prefers the left or right side of the bed. The  lights change and they drive on in different directions." 

" We have only one life and we rush through it. We make choices and follow paths and we don't linger too long at crossroads. Moments of intimacy with strangers are minor detours we rarely explore, but those moments make us feel alive, and human, and part of something greater. They connect use to each other."

I was hooked immediately and read the whole thing on the spot. Upon finishing, I was thrilled to discover her Missed Connections blog so I never have to stop looking at her craigslist-missed-connections-inspired art.

I am in Love.

Also,  I just discovered Sophie Blackall has an Etsy shop!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kelliann & Richard: Married!!!

Kelliann and Richard have the kind of love story that you generally only encounter in classic fiction and on the silver screen. On January 7, 2011, after overcoming long periods of being separated by 3235 miles (including an ocean) and jumping through several government hoops, they got married in front of an adoring crowd of family and friends.

They are the sweetest and watching them exchange vows was truly an honor. 

It was an amazing day and I was lucky enough to snap photos for their guestbook. Here are some of my favorites.

 Congratulations Kelliann and Richard!!!