
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Kelliann & Richard:Engaged!!

So far my weekends in 2012 have been a flurry of weddings and wedding-related activities. I wanted to start out but by sharing a couple fun pictures from the nuptials of Kelliann and Richard (my first wedding of 2012) but I figured first I should share some of the engagement pictures I took of them last summer . 

So to rewind 5 (ish) months, this is what two incredibly attractive people being in love looks like.


Are these two gorgeous or what?!?!? Ok, one more...

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Not going to lie, this winter has been rough for me, despite being unseasonably mild weather-wise.But about a month after the winter solstice, daylight hours are finally getting noticeably longer.

Is anyone else as ready for spring as I am?