As promised, here is the story of vending my apartment via craigslist.
A few weeks ago I posted a glowing description of my apartment on craigslist, highlighting its spacious kitchen and ever-coveted in-unit washer, dryer, dishwasher combo. I included the following photos.
Seriously, who wouldn't want to live here?
The catch (there is always a catch) is that my lease is up May 27th. Which means, that the only people who would reasonably take over my lease are non students, needing a very temporary home, or someone looking for a long-term place that doesn't mind moving in without a management company cleaning inspection and a carpet steam.
I got two hits, Girl #1 and Girl #2. They came to see the apartment an hour apart on the same night. Callie was there for dinner, moral support and safety considerations.
They had strikingly similar stories. They were both undergrads, fairly new to the city, who wanted to move in with their currently long-distance boyfriends. When it comes to potential take-over-my-lease people, I try not to judge. But to give you the flavor of things here are two quotes from the night, unfairly taken completely out of context.
Girl #1: "We have only been together for six months, so I definitely want him to sign the lease. You know, just in case."
Girl #2: "He would be the only one on the lease since he is working right now [in Bremerton]. He doesn't really want to move up here until he finds a job. I just need to pressure him a little."
When they left, Callie said her first thought was "Are you sure that's a good idea?" In any other circumstances, I that would have been my first thought too. Instead, since they were potential leasees, the first thing that jumped in my head was "Sweetheart, you do what you need to do."
Lucky for me, Girl #2's persuasive powers proved too much for her boyfriend's convictions. On Friday, a wide-eyed boyfriend signed his name to my lease, making him legally responsible for coming up with full rent at the beginning of each month.
He looked so overwhelmed I
almost felt bad. Right before he signed I tried to slow things down for him a little, to make sure he knew what he was doing. I confirmed the move-in date and the amount he would owe me for pro-rated rent and the deposit. He nodded and signed.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't totally thrilled to have the apartment off my hands (and my expense sheet). I hope everything works out for those two love birds.
Girl #2 and boyfriend, see you on March 18.
Best of luck.