Anyway, this morning I decided to take a break from my AAC final by trudging through the snow (yes, snow!?!?!) to redeem my prize. I had a whole list of items, but as I wandered through the store I decided I didn't need most of them since I will be gone for five days starting Wednesday. By the time I made it to the front I have two packages of butter, english muffins, bananas, apple juice, caramels, delicious nougat candies with green christmas trees in the middle, and hummus. I thought about buying a wedge of brie since I had puff pastry in my freezer (baked brie is delicious) but the least expensive wedge was seven dollars and I was feeling particularly cheap, so I didn't.
However, when I moseyed up to the nine-items-or-less lane with my purchases they totaled a disappointing $20.73. Painfully aware of the two people waiting behind me but determined to redeem my coupon, I cursed myself for passing on the brie. Since there was no time to go back I quickly snagged a copy of People magazine (the Sexiest-Man-Alive edition, conveniently.) When that wasn't enough, I had the clerk grab me a butterfinger and when that wasn't enough I had her grab me two more. So in order to get $5 off my groceries, I spent an impulsive $5 on a People magazine and not one, but three butterfinger bars. I guess that made them free?
Anyway, it was all nonsense and I laughed my way out of the store.
On a side note, the glorious and burly Ryan Reynolds was crowned this years sexiest man alive. He is a special favorite of my friend Kylie so I gifted my virtually free copy of People to her (after I read it of course.)