In an effort to put off writing clinic documents, studying for finals and emptying the dishwasher, a blog is born. Having (almost) successfully completed my first year of graduate school I think I am entitled to a creative outlet. First, a brief introduction to some of my favorite things (in the order they popped in my head).
1. Books (surprise!). I will read anything. Honest to goodness, anything. You hand me a book, I will read it. I am in no way elitist about reading. One day you might see me reading a Vonnegut novel, the next day Laurell K. Hamilton, the next day you might see me toting the Illiad. I am unpredictable like that.
2. Maps. I surround myself with maps. At my desk in the TA office, I have my Rick Steve's map of Europe, complete with pen-marked trajectories of train rides and circles around my favorite places. My house sports a gigantic word map, plus smaller, more detailed maps of Switzerland and Italy.
3. Dance. All kinds, in all forms.
4. Baking. I have recently stumbled into the world of food blogs (thank you Jessie). My life will never be the same.
5. Travel. Really, this one should be hanging out at the top with books. I love to travel. I get restless when I stay in one place too long. To be completely honest, this blog was created as more than just a distraction from my responsibilities, it was also to remind me that sometimes (when I am not being a lame grad student,) I do cool things, in cool places, with cool people.
So anyway, I plan on doing a little story-telling, a little opinion sharing, a little recipe posting, and a lot of time wasting on this site in the near future. Enjoy!